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Results-Driven Career Development Advisorr

My career has centered on supporting young adults in their academic studies, and preparing them for successful entry in post-secondary education and careers. In my current position as a career counselor at a private high school in Brooklyn, I work with high school students to teach workplace skills and place the entire 12th grade class at a 5-week long internship, where they learn about their career options and interests. I provide coaching sessions to individuals who are looking to advan...

career development

college counseling

I play an integral part as a career counselor with the office of College and Career Services Department at the high school level. I advise students with college and scholarship by reviewing student’s academic record and career goals. In addition, I facilitate four College Preparation Nights and four Career Breakfast events. I periodically meet with all high school students to ensure focus on college and career goals through career assessment and surveys.